Freeze Frozen Ice from when?


In Fortnite Season 5 you could 'level' Ragnarok from the beginning of the season. In Season 6, the wolf did not move until it was unlocked. How is this season with the ice king?


So… Just started.

The Ice King is on the BattlePass level 100.

There are 4 outfits for him. Received via "Live longer than your opponents" (last outfit is 25,000 opponents)


My question is from when can you unlock the outfits? For example: I survived 25,000 opponents and I'm level 99. Then I'm 100. Do I have any outfits directly or will I have to survive 25,000 more from the moment I die?


That's a good question 😊

So far, it was the experience from the beginning of the season count


Was not so with the wolf last season…

Fortnite ice king? br bryceRiddle