Upgrade to Gamer Pc?

- in Hardware

My uncle gave me a PC 2 weeks ago, which I know he built himself.

Technical specifications:

The video card is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 and according to Device Manager I have 4 Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50GHz processors.

The Device Manager is under computer: ACPI x64 based PC. (Does not know if this is important.)

The motherboard is from Gigabyte. (Gigabyte ga x48 dq6)

A small "Seagate 7200. 10 / 360GB" hard drive is also included.

My question:

What do I have to buy or install in the computer to be able to play fluently and in HD games like Blackops 4, PubG or Fortnite?

Currently I can play Fortnite but only with very bad graphics.


A better graphics card.

A better processor.

In addition, I recommend an SSD and maybe even so that you can store synonymous reasonable data a 1tb HDD.


Yes, the graphics card is an SSD as far as I know


What do I have to buy or install in the computer to be able to play fluently and in HD games like Blackops 4, PubG or Fortnite?

In general, ALL components in this box would have to replace what would be equivalent to a new purchase. Linux distribution on top of it and the system used as an intelligent typewriter, it is enough for all. Time YT. Watch the video on the internet chat a bit, this box is not enough for more.

Your requirements you have can only afford those PC systems that also have the power to do it. An example of how such a PC can look like, no compelling to buy this way. Serves only for guidance .Prices may already have changed Some cheaper other Expensive.

Upgrade to Gamer Pc

I also happened to get an old PC from my uncle with the same CPU.
Have 8gb RAM and a gtx690.
Fortnite runs smoothly (55-90 FPS), overwatch (50-90 FPS) and Destiny2 too.
Warmly, I can recommend you an SSD for Windows to make the whole user interface smoother.
And 8GB of RAM (I have 4x2gb).
If you have questions just write to.


An SSD is a hard disk. And a hard drive and a graphics card are completely different.

Opinion on the pc? Sh Shrimp55
Gamer (just for fun)? Vo VolcanoBraydon
Which gamer pc to buy? Pe Pedestrian92