Samsung galaxy s10 with ps4 controller fortnite?


I got a Samsung Galaxy s10 from my dad a few days ago and as I'm visiting my grandparents on holiday and I do not always have anything to do, I wanted to play a bit of fortnite with my ps4 controller on it. Until I connected everything everything worked fine but when I wanted to play, nothing worked, all buttons do not have the right functions (so you can't use everything with the predetermined buttons) I honestly do not know how to explain it. Anyway, all buttons are reversed and when I press x I do not jump but load or interact with something in the game. Or if I press R2 then I do not aim but get into the menu. But despite all this, the controller setting everything is displayed as it should! I hope you understand my problem and had no difficulty in understanding what I meant and if then I'm sorry, I'm only 14 years old and have the German topic writing reports not so careful or not everything learned.


Fortnite has checked that you want to use a controller, which gives you an advantage over other players, and therefore does not let you into the game anymore.

Play as honest as anyone else!


You already realize that you are allowed to play Fortnite on your phone with controller.


I would look in the settings under adjusting the swapped buttons, swap them again to make them correct.


I did that too, but that's how it happens


Ka, I'm not playing the snot. Mouse and keyboard is definitely not allowed.


Why do you then turn to things where you have no idea. Keyboard and mouse are not allowed, but that was not the question.


Could you possibly. Times send a screenshot of the settings at controller?


Why? So you jump on it. Clear thing!


I give you the point. XD


I am have the very same thing on my new galaxy's s10e I tried to change the key binds which sorta works although I'm not able to make l1 and r1 the swap buttons and l2 the aim so I now have to get used to using different controls