Does putting together a PC on Mindfactory cost anything, and feedback on my compiled PC?


To the first question I mean, if you have a PC with all its components already on Mindfactory in a shopping cart and you want Mindfactory to put the PC together completely finished, does it cost anything, or does it cost more? Or (as it may sound silly) is this free?

My other question is: How do you find my compiled PC? Incidentally, this should be a gaming PC. Games like Fortnite, CS: GO, etc. Should work on this PC.


Yes, I think it costs about 70 euro. The shipping of finished PCs should also cost something more.

I looked at the configuration for a moment and think that you have a little bit of RAM. To the evaluation of the remaining parts or compatibility I do not know enough.


I can see that the assembly service below costs 150 euro. Just scroll down. If the community here should give you the feedback that everything is compatible with each other, that is samba and not very difficult with the corresponding helpful videos.


Under "Orderable Services" you will find "Assembly and Functional Test Service". This costs 150 euro under Mindfactory.

If you do not want to assemble the PC yourself, do not buy it from Mindfactory. 150 euro is just too high an extra charge.


Your configuration lacks an SSD.

4gb of RAM is not enough, 8gb is minimum for modern games.

Overall, I would put more emphasis on performance in the price range than on quality. ( my suggestion)


Of course that costs something, nobody likes to work for free.

Others have already mentioned the assembly service for € 150.

You have only one RAM stick, 4GB are really too few.

At the price of the graphics card, you can also get a RX580.

It does not necessarily need the CPU cooler, you have one with the processor.

Games crash off why? Pa Patch401