Suitable PC configuration?


I want to build my first PC I've put something together. He should go for fortnite or GTA like this. But also cut videos.

Maybe someone can see if this works or if I made a mistake during configuration.


Pack a RX 5700 in. Faster, cheaper and 2GB more VRAM


I would use a different graphics card and I don't know if a 5 3600 is the best for video rendering. But first look very reasonable. (Remember that if you don't have a LAN but only Wi-Fi, you can also get a Wi-Fi kart.)


Fits w mm you want your RGB. I only find 600w something a lot 500 do it even if you want to upgrade


Jo thanks I think you mean it the other way around, since there's no WLAN but only LAN integrated. But that's the case with many / most motherboards. As far as I know you had to plug a WLAN card into a PCI port.


If he just wants to cut a bit, the processor is sufficient, I think the other components were chosen far too expensive, so a 3700x would have fit in the budget


The configuration is not bad, but it still has potential.

RAM: costs far too much! For the money there will soon be RAM with 3600 MHz clock
Mainboard: needs a BIOS update. Better take a board from MSI with Max Suffix


Is this really the case with the BIOS update? It says so, but I did some research that Steel Legend b450 should support the AMD 3000 generation by default


In that case, stop at your own risk