Fortnite stretched or unstretched?


One day ago I had a "killer" because I absolutely failed in Fortnite. I pushed the problem to Stretched. No idea why. After that, I played unstretched and felt "better", although it does not really make sense. Basically I find stretched hornier and nicer, but have that feeling I play unstretched better.

Should I play unstretched or stretched?

PS: I've been playing stretched for a long time and played well, but I did not play that great one time and put it on the stretched


You should play the game where you feel most comfortable and play the best it is not a problem to switch.


Well, building feels different when you change and the movement also, but the problem. I feel like I'm playing better on unstretched, but feel better on stretched.


So I like to play stretched, but I have become a habit, I can't play normally anymore, I play like no idea what a Dulli xD.
Play with the settings that make you feel good and play well too.


That's how it worked for me then sometimes not so hard strechted purely for example 1680x1080 or even less. Or how mongraal or so. Or even 1444x1080 that is better than 1440x1080 because then you can see the point to shoot better then you could be even better