Upload Twitch Clips to YouTube + Monitareing + Legal?


I have an important question!

As you know, there are best of clips on YouTube such as BCC Trolling, Premium Clips or Daily Fortnite etc!

My question is whether you can operate such channels and what can earn with it (monitarize)

One person told me that all advertising revenue can go to the streamer… Is that true?

And is that legal at the same time without violating any copyright?


You can't earn anything from this because it is not your own content.

Say if you were to upload a Harry Potter movie on Youtube you should not take any money with it, but it's all in the guidelines you just have to read.

Of course you could also upload the clips without having to make money, but then have to note the owner in the info box or in the video + consent of the owner.


Thanks, … What I just did not understand YouTuber BCC trolling z.B makes in these clips full advertising say 10 minutes of video clips and four ma advertising switch so they deserve something synonymous? That's what I do not understand?


No idea, do not watch something like that. I just called what is in the guidelines of Youtube.

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