How do I clear up a Youtuber?


I wrote to a Fortnite youtuber and she wrote me back: "Hey. How are you?"

Since I don't know how to write to her now, I ask you. Can you somehow tell me what to write? I'm a little in love with her too, what does a little mean here?

P.S.: I also play Fortnite myself and am such an ok pro player, I copied everything from her, do you think I would have a chance?


How old are you


To be honest, my assessment is: no.
You need advice right from the beginning - the daring is simply missing.


You clear a Youtuber like any other girl. It is nothing special just because it films itself while gambling.

Out of interest, what's her name on YT.




It doesn't sound older than 14. How old are you?


If she is not either, she turns 15


I notice that your voice sounds very different from video to video, they were completely different


Clarify… I think that's not a nice term.
Just write something down. Then you can see if you get along well. And if yes, you can ask them if you can gamble together or something.
But don't talk sooo much about YT that will probably come across as a bit fake Geil.


Thank you, I will do it, neither will I


I do not think so. She surely gets such messages often. I think people who are more or less professional on the Internet rely more on real acquaintances and friendships.

Can you strike a Youtuber? Be Beautifulancient
Name of the YouTuber? to tomasJade2612
Wish ripped off? jo joshua