Xiaomi Mi 9 or Samsung Galaxy Tab S4?


I find it hard to decide between the Mi 9 from Xiaomi and the Galaxy Tab S4 from Samsung. The Mi 9 has a sensational performance, but the Tab S4 is great and has many features. Besides, the Tab also has good performance. On both devices I would gamble on Fortnite. Meanwhile, the 9 has already 60Fps in Fortnite, but you can play on the tab with a bigger screen. Which device should I grow?


I would take the Mi9, the display is not the smallest, but still very much portable and the performance is also a good deal better!

The camera and so should be better, so you have to decide how many losses in other areas you the big display is worth


I would take Mi9


I do not know how to compare a tablet with a smartphone.

And gambling is not fun with a tablet. Especially if it is then a 10 inch part.

This is unwieldy and quickly becomes difficult.