Should you put your Sensi high in Fortnite or rather slowly?


I've been playing Fortnite with controller for about 5 months now. My Sensi is very low and now I wanted to ask if I should suddenly raise it to 42 percent (currently 29) or should I slowly increase the Sensi until I'm 42?

Because I think the Sensi is very high at 40 and then quickly confuse myself (so when the opponent jumps in front of me or suddenly sees in front of me or something), but everyone plays on 40 or higher.

Can you give me advice?


His for everyone, I set it directly to 50 and can cope with it, but if you can't cope with it, it is better to slowly raise it first.

Besides, I wouldn't change it just because everyone has it.

If you get on well with your controls, you can just leave them as they are.


Ok, have a look later.