How long does Fortnite take?


So. I'm downloading myself downnite right now. I'm waiting for about 5-10min and it is only 2% loaded. I would like to know: how long will it take approx

How long did it take you

Does it help if, for example, the wireless from his phone or TV off?


Yes, it helps, but only minimally. It would be best if you connect your PC to the router using a LAN cable. For me it was comparatively fast, because I have good internet.


Of course that depends on your internet connection. When you download, you usually see the speed with which it is downloaded.

For me it used to take (for the first time) an hour. With all the patches coming in, it'll probably take me two hours to download it all over again.

Does it help if, for example, the wireless from his phone or TV off?

Yes, that can help conditionally. Müssstest you try, if the download speed then increases.