I have the Corsair Glave Pro RGB and the same DPI is slower than other players?


Corsair Glave Pro RGB

I play Fortnite so now I have the problem when I gamble with the program from Corsair on 800 DPI like with the You Tuber then I turn so extremely slowly compared to those although the settings are the same I have probably overlooked the Windows settings? I've already made the pointer acceleration out and the rest is like it should be. I'm grateful for help because YT doesn't help me there and the Corsair program doesn't either


Have you also adjusted the sensitivity in the game to that of the Youtuber?


Yes exactly the same


Then look where you have issued the pointer acceleration. Directly above it is a regulator with "Select pointer speed". I guess you have something different from the youtuber. That's the only other option I can think of.