Worth from my Fortnite account?

- in Account

I still have rare dances like Bell air or rare hang gliders so every umbrella and the Mako hang glider.

plan to sell the account but don't know exactly how much would be nice if someone would advise me

Worth from my Fortnite account Worth from my Fortnite account - 1 Worth from my Fortnite account - 2


Worth from my Fortnite account - 3 Worth from my Fortnite account - 4

-100 euro


Why should you buy something like that?


2.37 euro? Or rather 1.23 euro - no, I have it ~ nothing


Nothing at all because a game is a simulation and nothing is worth it. It is also unnecessary to pay for a game because it is useless. Nobody but big fortnite fans would buy your account and as I said it is not good to pay for a game