Got a display because of Fortnite Acc sold against Amazon cards?

- in Account

So back then in my youth I built nonsense where I was 15 I sold Fortnite acc on Instagram against Amazon cards now I got an ad or court my Amazon orders were apparently searched by the police without my knowledge so it stood up the paper. My question is now what should I do about it? I don't want to atone for my past now because I actually finished with it. It was about 50 euro Amazon My question now is how can I act against it?


What are you supposed to have done?


What you can do? Nothing at all.

You are not allowed to sell Fortnite accounts. And the companies are not having fun there. You have to answer for it. Of course you can go to the lawyer, but he will probably not be able to do anything.


It says that I committed a fraud.


But you are not allowed to buy anyone who wanted to buy it has reported me.


Yes, he made smart ^^.

And logically, if you want to sell something that is forbidden, buying is also forbidden. You Schlaumeyer.


Fraud in what sense?


If the total is around 50 euro, the case should be discontinued due to insufficient public interest.

But this only applies to a criminal complaint. If civil proceedings have been opened against you, you can only negotiate the amount of the penalty.


Were fraud from the computer game Fortnite acc.


Escape abroad


So Fortnite reported you?


How can he then show me that I don't understand would have understood it if Epic Games shows me but that a buyer wants to show me hmm.


It was probably too expensive for him. And because it was too expensive, he reported you.


I got such a letter from youth court assistance. Can you negotiate there, I can also negotiate that I pay the money back and thus the case is closed.


Well, buying an ACC only violates the General Terms and Conditions, but Fortnite can ban it.

Selling an ACC that does not contain what has been stated is fraud and brings you an advertisement in addition to the Fortnite ban. That's the way it is. Learn from this that everyone is responsible for their own deeds.


Ne the buyer who did not receive acc from me.


You can ask what kind of offer they would make if you plead guilty.

But it would be sensible to get a lawyer first. You can do without it, but advice is always good. But not for free.


Okay, sorry, I regret it, but a complaint or because of fraud is already hard a fine would have been better for me.


I don't want to atone for my past now

Dreamer - causing harm to others and then not wanting to be held responsible for it.

Everything will be processed correctly until the other side and the state can say "actually completed".

Contact a lawyer who will take care of the whole thing and arrange the necessary steps so that the matter can be settled in the best possible way for both sides. So pay for the damage plus the fine and fine.

But of course it costs money, but there's a relative certainty that no negative course is set for the future.