Can other players still listen to our conversations even though you have previously created a PS4 party?


I was just playing Fortnite with my buddy. He and I had previously created a party on PS4 so you could communicate from there.

Fortnite has groups that you can join. My question now is whether other players who join our group in Fortnite can still hear our conversations? As I said, we had a PS4 party going on.

I wasn't so sure now. Maybe you know better about it.


If you have 'Party Chat priority' in the party settings then not


Not really, they should also be in the party, and you can tell by the fact that you can hear the others. However, it can happen that you fly out of the party and suddenly end up in the game chat.

Ps4 (SU-41333-4)? ar armaniRange
Fortnite that can't be true? Ga Gatlinnathalia