Is Battlefield V worth it?

- in Battle Royale

Would it be worthwhile to buy Battlefield V now?

I'm bored today, because Fortnite me not so fun makes me short hand Battlefield 1 bought for 5 euro.

After about 9 hours I've already played through… Had expected more of the story mode but ok, so only 5 euro.

Battlefield V, I have already played the beta that made a lot of fun for me and my friends.

But Battlefield V costs just 30 euro and none of my circle of friends plays Battlefield V so I leave the online mode schonmal away.

Is Battlefield V somewhere under $ 20 or should I crack it?


Huh? Battlefield you can also play super solo online…


Had expected more of the story mode but ok, are only 5 euro.

Say that to those who paid the full price or even bought the Collectors Edition…

Battlefield Bad Company 2 has not had a good single player in Battlefield anymore, so you'd be better off with Call of Duty.

… None of my friends…

Who said that you already need friends for online games? Thereby you will find new ones!

… Or should I crack it?

Throw it out of your head right away. If the fist does not help, take something heavier.

There's a lot more to it than just the usual familiar mainstream games - broaden your horizons and try something new!


Cracking is never good. Buy it or leave it!
Battlefield is not bought because of the story, but because of the multiplayer
I still have not got the story through, though I've been releasing it since!