I get when I start Fortnite on the PC that BattleEye can't be installed.
what can I do to install BattleEye for Fortnite on the PC and if so where can I download it?
BattleEye is not mandatory to play Fortnite on PC. This is just an additional piece of software designed to prevent cheating / intervention by other programs in Fortnite's files.
And what can I do now
Specify your question.
Well there says install BattleEye failed and that every time I start Fortnite I have already uninstalled everything
And now the question is what should I do if I should download BattleEye somewhere or how?
Hope your english is good enough: https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/failed-to-install-battleye-service.html
That's working?
Try it.