Mcafee logs me out of Fortnite?


Following problem with me. I got a new gaming pc a few days ago. Set up and games installed. So I could enjoy everything for a couple of days. However, the evening before yesterday I installed McAffe and set it up completely. I also set up the McAffe key system (correct me with the name if it's wrong). But then I wanted to go into Fortnite and then I was very annoyed when I saw the screen. I saw the screen and immediately tried to log in again. In vain, the same message always came up. Break urgent help,

what I can do to make everything work again.

Lg and thanks in advance

Mcafee logs me out of Fortnite

If you use the free version of McAffee, you can uninstall it again. In the area of free antivirus software, the always integrated Windows Defender is no longer worse than the competition.


I just restarted my computer and logged in again


So now I can just throw the LifeSafe down and get something else?


Windows Defender is always installed with Windows, if you don't have a very specific reason, you don't need any additional antivirus software, as Windows Defender is sufficient


It's an anti-virus program. You have to tell the program that this game is safe


You don't need an antivirus on Windows 10


Thanks, it worked