Can my classmates skip this can have consequences?


So I'm currently in the 8th grade of a high school in Nrw. I have a classmates on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays never that is or usually logs out to play at home Fortnite or generally gamble. This was a very extreme half-year. I guess he currently has about 300 hours lost because he is only on tails. I really wonder how he will make the school year when he lacks so much school supplies. My question is therefore: Can he fly from school if he has too many missed hours? And in general, how many missed hours can one afford oneself? Please answer quickly, thank you!


Are the lessons unexcused?


If he really skips, I'm surprised that the school has not reacted long ago. Police and penalties would be possible.

Maybe there's something else - but I see black for a transfer.


No, his parents sign his apologies. Worst of all, his parents even find it good


Yes, I was also surprised that the school does not mind


Well. Then: bad luck for you, luck for him. Or so.

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