Play in Task Manager after starting inactive?


I have recently, with no identifiable problem cause or any cause recognizable to me the following problems:

I wanted to gamble on Fortnite, but the loading process always hung up just before the end, or did the loading bar just not move anymore. At the same time, Fortnite was named "inactive" in Task Manager.

I then thought it was due to Fortnite, the launcher or other program related problems, checked the files for completeness, reinstalled Fortnite, etc. - No result

Later I tried to start Dota 2 and realized that the same problem occurs. The game hangs in the loading screen and in Task Manager it is inactive. The same applies to Dota Underlords.

New installations and PC restarts were unsuccessful and re-setting up Windows would be the last resort, before that I wanted to ask again for advice.

Another problem with this is that whenever I want to watch a video in the browser, regardless of whether it's on yt or other platforms, the video does load (indicated on yt by the gray bar), but it does not play (on yt clarified by denroten bar) and it does not matter if I press play or pause.

If someone has had the problem before or has a solution or even knows the solution that would be very helpful, since I'm at my wit's end.


Did you also reinstall the video driver?


Not yet, I'll do that. How should that have something to do with the video driver?


Both when playing videos and games, the graphics card is used to accelerate the graphics.