Did Apple rightly remove Fortnite from the App Store?


Epic Games offered their own payment method to avoid the 30% levy on Apple.

Apple then removed Fortnite from the App Store.

Justified or Not? What do you all mean?


I abstain from voting.


Well it's justified, but it was clear to Epic Games that Fortnite would be thrown out. You violated the guidelines on purpose. The problem is that the Apple Store wants 30% of the income from in-game purchases, which is a lot. Epic Games is more or less on strike at the moment.


Every developer knows the conditions that Apple has created. If he publishes a (paid) app in the app store, he recognizes it. And it just says as clear as a bell that purchases outside the app store are prohibited.

You may or may not like these conditions and the commission that Apple charges, but then you have to decide whether publication in the app store is the right choice. But if you are just money-hungry enough not to want to miss this market, you shouldn't complain afterwards if the operator enforces his conditions.

Or you just do it like Epic Games: You bind a bunch of players (the majority of whom are probably not supposed to play the game at all), then make a change that you know exactly that will lead to expulsion and then watch with relish, like everyone bash against Apple.


Yes, you can set up the regulations in your store as you like. Epic agreed to these regulations and then no longer adhered to them. In principle, Apple had no choice but to remove the app and Epic knew that very well and had prepared exactly for it.