Am I the only one who has so many bugs in Fortnite?


In my opinion, only more bugs have been added to the game since Season 4, and now Season 8 has got Epic Games right. When I zoome with a sniper he goes all the time out of the zoom and back in and I see my sniper almost in the whole picture. Furthermore, there are the bugs in building and the opponent just jump through the built walls and run and now since Season 8 the bug with the auto-run. That he suddenly stops running or sprinting automatically. Am I the only one who only has such errors especially with the zoom when sniping?
Do not be bothered to play the game that way. Are the programmers at Epic Games all stoned or why is Fortnite so prone to bug

And from other bugs like that you suddenly die in some places on the map or the models' display bugs sometimes and all that stuff I do not need to talk about. Is it sad that such a game is now running in professional e-sports and even there so many mistakes happen at 1 million euro tournaments.


This sounds more like a very weak / slow internet connection…


400k line


The bandwidth does not matter. Important is the ping (ms)


20-35 always. Does not look like network lags for me. Rather after game bugs.


Until season 4, the game was also fun… I have not been active since Season 5 because the game is not what it was at the beginning… And I miss that.


Yes, by all the vehicles that came and the new weapons. Funny things like impulse grenades were taken out. Things that everyone loved were generous but all those bugs that are always or still there and come back to it is sad


Btw to your question, if your internet is bad, there are often bugs. I know myself when I download something in the background. Try Apex Legends, it's better than Fortnite at the moment and it's more focused on Aim than on building. It's also very teamplay-heavy.