Fortnite Creator Code? - 2


I'm 13 and I want to get the Creator Code, I've already clicked through everything, but finally I have to create a control profile.

my father doesn't want to go along with this is his fear justified? What do you have to consider when creating a tax profile.


To get a CC in FN you have to have a certain reach on a Sicial Media platform (Yt, insta or twich, …). If you don't have that, your father's approval doesn't sound like you either.


I'm aware of that as I said I have the 1k on insta and am now on the last step. Create tax profile


1k are enough I don't think so. You need at least 10 or 100k. If I remember it correctly. Yes, I think you need at least 10k


If he doesn't really need to be afraid, have a CC himself. Taxes do not apply to us anyway, since non-US citizens do not have to pay taxes for them. Nevertheless this has to be filled out.


So my father can just enter his tax profile without doing anything else?


Neh that's right ma really only needs 1k


That's how I did it too. Simply enter the tax profile and a payment method (just paypal mail or something)