Suddenly no desire to gamble?


I'm 13 years old and play any kind of game. I already practiced 40 big games like Horizon, Spidrrman etc. On Ps4. Also had a ps2 and ps3. I also got an expensive and good PC. But lately I have absolutely no desire to gamble. All my friends only played Fortnite, which is why I gambled alone for the past six months. I just find it extremely funny that I have no urge or want to gamble for a few hours.

When I start playing, I usually hear after 15-30 minutes. On.

What can that be?

(I've been out a lot lately, only with! ONE! Friend)


I have it too. A break from gaming can help. Otherwise, buy EVEN more games or delete the game.

You could also set a different goal, such as A speed run.


Just take a break for a long time. If you still don't feel like it afterwards, then that's the way it is. It's best to search for several hobbies instead of just doing one thing at a time.

Interests are changing.


I also ride my bike (downhill)


I can fully understand, luckily the Fortnite hype is slowly over.

I've been playing more lately, probably because of Corona, but only Minecraft and GTA: online with two friends.

But otherwise I don't play that much on my own. I'm on Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and Netflix all day for this.


Since you have already played the big games, there's currently no game that grabs you as well as The Witcher. Right now such a game would be gold in quarantine times.


Is also the case with me, I used to gamble a lot at 13, I never got bored, but now at 16. 😅 it only helps trying new games, I got animal crossing at Easter, I was really happy at the beginning but now Slowly the boredom creeps into me


I also play minecraft, but lately it has become more and more boring, 2 years ago I really enjoyed it Oof



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