Which gaming PC parts are sufficient for Gta5, rdr2, Fortnite etc. With an AMD processor?

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Which gaming PC parts are sufficient for Gta5, rdr2, Fortnite etc. With an AMD processor?


AMD Ryzen 1700X, 3600 or 3700X depending on your budget (Ryzen 3600 has roughly the performance of the 1700X with lower power consumption)
16-32GB Ram
512GB + SSD for Windows installation (Here you can use an M.2 SSD, if the mainboard has the appropriate connections, then you save the power and data cables)
Either a second SSD for games or a second HDD for games depending on your budget and storage capacity
From RTX 2060 Super, but would rather wait for the RTX 30xx
500-600W power supply
Dark Rock CPU cooler


The three games mentioned would already have a CPU from Intel Core i7-4700 (K) or AMD Ryzen 5-2400g, 12 to 16 GB RAM and Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 or Radeon RX 580 / RX 5500XT-8GB for smooth gameplay in Full HD in medium to high details with a target of ~ 60 FPS (99th percentile) are sufficient.

In addition a current branded power supply with 450 to 500 watts with the mentioned Geforce, or 500 to 550 watts with one of the mentioned Radeons.

If you want to go to maximized FPS at low details, especially in Fortnite, or if you want to target the 60 FPS in GTA with a high preset, then you better choose a modern quad core with a high base clock> 3.5 GHz from Intel's 9th / 10th gen. Or an AMD Ryzen 5 - 3300X.

If it is to be a Ryzen 5 - 3300X, then I recommend choosing a motherboard with an AMD B550 chipset, so that the optimum is already there.

As far as budget-oriented in the key data.