Would it be worth it?

- in Hardware

I have an Amd Ryzen 5 3600 and a RX 5500 XT. My question would be whether it would be worthwhile to go down from a 3600 to an R5 2600 but to get a RTx 1660 great. It should be for fortnite. I wanted that Overclocking cpu, however, someone told me that it would make no sense. There would be little difference. I should rather improve the graphics card and because I have a limited budget take the cheaper cpu (a better graphics card would improve the performance). Should I stay like now or do you prefer the cheaper cpu but a better graphics card? And would it be worthwhile to overclock the cpu to 4.0-4.2GHz (or with the r5 2600 to 3.6 GHz)

I will play on low settings in fortnite and want to learn how to cut (programs)


From the R5 3600 to the R5 2600? And what is a RTX 1660 Super.


Oh I mean GtX


I have a limited budget and therefore I have to take one thing cheaper, but I can improve the other thing


Stay with the R5 3600 and save on a new graphics card.


So you want to sell your 3600 and the 5500xt and buy a 2600 and a 1660 super? Definitely don't do that. Better save a little until you can afford a better GPU.


Nene misunderstood something xD I don't have the parts yet