An i3 9100f processor windows 10pro with an nvida gtx 1650 4GB is enough for fortnite and gta, the PC has 16 GB of frame.
Yes should be enough, but I can't tell you whether he can do everything in GTA.
What if I play at low settings in gta?
Then it should work.
Um, I don't think the CPU is so old that it bottlenecks the graphics card so the cpu can't fully process the performance, so it works but it's not worth it
A Ryzen CPU would be a much better choice in the price range.
Actually, a complete AMD system would be better.
To your question: Yes, the games will run smoothly. With the highest graphics settings, however, rather not.
Many thanks
Nope the cpu came onto the market in 2019
Fhd settings high