What kind of APU can you recommend?

- in Hardware

Hi, I'm currently in the process of building my own PC for gaming and I would like to buy all the parts used (via eBay and so on) and since I'm not very familiar with the topic I wanted to ask if you guys would like me as one can recommend. I want to spend around 300 euro on the PC in total. Could you vlt me. Then say which component should cost approximately how much. Since the PC is pretty low budget, it shouldn't be the best processor either, it should be enough to play most games. So Rocket League, Rainbow Six Siege, (possibly also Fortnite).

PS.: Thanks in advance


Try to find an i5 2500 bundle with at least 8GB


Well, 300 euro is not much for a gaming pc…

GPU and CPU never fit into the budget, so rely on an amd Apu, they are not bad either. Preferably a Ryzen 3 3400 g. You can then simply plug in a GPU later for more power.


CoD could be difficult at 300 euro.

Maybe something like the Ryzen 5 3400G? 🤔


Why no ryzen 3 3400g? It's faster


He's a troll… 😅


Hmm ok, as i said i don't know my way around and wanted to use it as a starter pc, but thanks


Why am I a troll? That's so. Enter ryzen 3 3400g vs i5 2400.


Intel i5-2500… 25 euro

Cooler… 5 euro

Mainboard… 30 euro

8 GB of RAM… 30 euro

Power supply… 25 euro

HDD… 25 euro

Case… 20 euro

GTX 1050ti 4GB… 100 euro


I don't mean you either, but the guy who suggested the Intel 🙄


Not bad, but wouldn't the 3400g be better? Of course not as the 1050ti, but with a b450 mainboard you could upgrade later together


Ok, and if you take an apu you could use an ssd, because i would like to have that


Ok, thank you very much how much would you recommend for the other components?



how about here


Wait got me wrong


Can it be that you find ryzen 3 3400g really rarely used, could you see if you can find a good offer quickly?


Cooler, probably boxed 5 euro

mainboard, you can also use a 300 chipset, then you have to take a new mainboard when upgrading, but that's the way it is (unless you upgrade only ryzen 3000 CPUs) 40 euro

8gb RAM or more what you get for the price (DDR4) 30 euro

power supply 30-35 so you don't get a China firecracker

case 20 euro

ssd (only new! They only last a limited time and used ones are usually very worn out) 60

ryzen 3 3400g 90 euro

that's us at 275, then you still have leeway


The 3400G alone costs 140 euro

Mainboard 50 euro

RAM 25 euro

Makes about 210 euro… And everything else is missing.

And of course a Ryzen solution is considerably more modern and safer. But with 300 euro it won't work.


Hmm ok then i have to look again


Ok thank you very much and can you find the cheap ryzen 3 3400g on the fast or do you have a good website to recommend?


Here on EXTREMELY cheap and NEW

255 euro


In addition, a used GPU for 60-80 euro RX460 e.g.


OK thank you


Yes zsb is too expensive but I think 80 euro would be okay


Ok i had thought because everything is there that is mainboard cool ram and processor


May it be that you mean the ryzen 4 3400g because I think the ryzen 3 3400g doesn't even exist


Or what about the ryzen 3 2400g


It has clearly, significantly less power