Since I don't have a GPU in the mainboard, I'm looking for a GPU that isn't Bottleneck or too slow (e.g. Gt 1030). In fortnite I want to min. Only play 720p at 60 + fps at fortnite with the apu at 270p 30fps thanks in advance.
How much do you want to spend?
Rx 570
1050 ti
230 maximum
Thank you
Then I have a much better option. And one where you get a better CPU and GPU. Because the 2200G has both. This will also not immediately bottleneck a graphics card later and apart from that you can upgrade all current ryzen CPUs on the mainboard. So around the best variant:
Fortnite easily manages the IGPU with your requirements. You should only see whether your power supply has an 8Pin (4 + 4) CPU and a 24Pin (20 + 4) mainboard connector
Thanks for the link, I will definitely use it in the future when building my future PC myself 😁
If you want to use the 2200g you need the board and the ddr4 ram