Gaming PC? - 6

- in Hardware

Hi, I've been interested in a gaming PC for a long time that can bring about 200fps in graphically high-quality games…

But I "only" have around 2,000 euro available…

Most of the time I would play games like Cod, RedDeadRedemtion or especially Fortnite…

For me, "gaming" would be about:

to have (very) good graphics
a stable fps number with over 150fps approx
a generally smooth and pleasant gaming experience

But I wouldn't buy one for almost a year…

I would appreciate any honest and serious answer.

thanks in advance

Ps: would that be a good pc?


So for 200fps in high quality games you need a 3090 which currently costs 1800 euro alone.


For 2000 euro that would be a good pc:


The 3090 costs at least 2400 euro


Has it become more expensive again? Since no normal person is buying a GPU right now, I don't have the prices in my head. But joar expensive xD


Fortnite needs significantly less power than RDR and COD. On 1080p you will probably need "only" a little over 1000 euro here. At the moment there's a crisis in PC parts, so you have to wait until the prices fall again. Prebuilt PCs are only an option if you're willing to pay 30-40% more than buying individual parts and building them. So to keep COD constant at 144 fps around 1k, for Fortnite a little less, with RDR 2 probably a little more.



No, I meant more like that in 3/4 of a year


You will have to expect a very high price. The prices are currently very high because of the mining


Thanks, could you maybe also tell me how much FPS I could play with the one in (like Fortnite)?


A 3090 is not worth it anyway. Since UHD gaming is unnecessary, the best would be a 3080 for WQHD gaming. You just have to wait until you get them for less than 1000 euro. But that can take a long time.


Thank you very much, could you recommend the one pc to me?

I wouldn't consider buying one for three quarters of a year anyway


How much FPS I could play with the in game (like Fortnite)?


So over 100 right?

don't want to annoy but I would like to have such an idea


Well, can you play games like Cyberpunk on Ultra at almost 200fps if you have a 3080? I think it will be tight. But in principle I agree yes. A 3090 is not worth it


So I can "recommend" parts that I think are useful. I myself have a Ryzen 5 3600 with an RX 5600 xt. With this I can keep warzone and cold war well over a hundred fps, with a relatively high preset. With RDR 2 it fluctuates between 70 and 120. If you want a constant frame rate, then you will probably need a little more. I paid around 800. The first thing that comes to mind is the RTX 3060 TI, at normal prices it is 350 and up. Don't worry, the graphics card is the most expensive part of the built. With that you should be able to meet the requirements on 1080p. The processor will likely fall on a lower 3rd generation Ryzen 7. But could also go with mine. There are sure to be benchmarks on youtube. Mainboards are relatively irrelevant, they just need the right processor socket. 16GB ddr4 ram on 3000mhz should round that off. Of course you still need a case, power supply, storage (SSD is much faster than HDD)


Does an "RTX 3070 8GB" work as a graphics card and an "Intel Core i7-10700K 8x 3.8GHz" as a processor?


Sure, you just have to know yourself how much money you want to invest.


So would those of "me" be better?


How many FPS could I play Fortnite or Cod with it?


A 3070 is stronger than a 3060 ti yes


I guess you'll go over 200 in Fortnite, and probably in COD too


Ok thank you very much, your tips helped me a lot


No prob


You have the star👍


Thank you.


Would the pc be any good in the link above in my original question?


Yes, the PC is very good, but you could get it cheaper with individual parts


But not that much cheaper, is it?


I don't know the prices of the parts, I guess 300 or 400


300/400 euro cheaper than complete or each


All parts together will cost 300 to 400 less than if you get the prefabricated one