Fortnite Shot gun won't fire?

- in Hardware

So I have the problem in fortnite that the pump doesn't fire, the levers the old pump and the batch don't shoot for me, that's because of the input, but it's not the case with my friends, whether creative or public as soon as I get one I can't shoot shot gun in close combat, I play on pc with LAN cable and have very good internet, so I know it's not the internet, I also have a permanent 0 ping, and no, I don't change my guns too quickly, sometimes it takes 5-6 seconds until I can shoot, usually the opponents shoot two shots before I can even do one, I play an astro c40 controller that is connected with a usb cable, and as I said my friends have this problem not, although they have the same controller, I also tried something like timer result, but it didn't work, could it possibly be due to the graphics card? Since mine is out of date? Otherwise I really can't think of anything.


You have already answered your question yourself xD

The 0 ping is the problem.

There are bugs in some games where, with certain Internet connections, you disconnect from the server when you interact with the game, but you don't lose the connection.

If there's a big player in the game, you can't make anything big


Do you mean Because I had other providers before that I had a normal ping 10-15 because it never fired, have the problem with the pump since season 12


Yes, I have no idea about Fortnite and I don't play it either.

A ping from 10 to 15 is perfect (it doesn't really get much better), but it may just be your game or something you can try to reinstall it…


I've already got it all but nothing haha

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