I use GPU Z. There I can see how warm the GPU and CPU get. Fortnite is where the GPU & CPU get the most warm. League of Legends doesn't. What is it actually?

- in Hardware

I use GPU Z. There I can see how warm the GPU and CPU get. Fortnite is where the GPU & CPU get the most warm. League of Legends doesn't. What is it actually?!


Lol is a CPU heavy game. The graphics card does not actually have to be switched on for these graphics, which is why LoL runs on almost every device


Even if I set it to very high?! I play LOL on low, don't know why LOL XD


Yes, also on high, Fortnite simply requires a lot more computing power than LoL


OK. Would you say high is better or very high?! And it doesn't matter because of FPS?! Btw have activated XMP!


XMP should always be set. Or clocked manually. Otherwise it only runs at 2133mhz lol.

Lol is way older and runs on every calculator. Fortnite, on the other hand, can also make good use of modern hardware. That is the reason


OK. Yesterday CPU was 80% utilization what was it? Because of XMP?


XMP only affects the main memory! The CPU was 80% busy. Every process takes the performance it needs. In this case 80% of the CPU resources were used. It doesn't matter whether 10% or 100% is used, as long as everything runs smoothly. Ideally, however, the GPU should always be fully utilized. In the case of LoL, the CPU is mainly loaded because it hardly requires any GPU power. Other games tend to require a GPU. And as long as the GPU is running at 100% and the CPU is below 100%, everything is great.

On the subject of temperature. CPU under 80 degrees and GPU under 90 is the maximum. Everything about it is too warm at some point. Everything below does not matter


OK. I have LOL on very high unfortunately less FPS as on low etc… What should I set it to?! Currently I only have high!


It makes sense that you have less FPS on high instead of low.

What are your PC components and how much FPS do you have on high?


AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six Core 3.70 GHZ. 6 cores, RTX2060. Unlimited FPS so over 144 FPS


About 144fps and is that you complaining? LOL


Yep there's even more lol… So on high mind you. At Fortnite I have constant FPS when I overclocked RAM or activated XMP, where I had it from, I did not have 144 FPS constancy despite the 144 Hz monitor. Why is it?!


The speed of RAM also brings performance. That will be the reason. It can only be as much FPS as it has performance. If he doesn't have enough, he has less FPS. Whether you have 60 or 144 does not matter at first. It just shouldn't wander under 60. Then it gets jerky


OK. And why was the CPU 80% for a short time even though XMP was on and it was also over 50 degrees warm. Restarted and it was gone!