Pc too slow ryzen 7 gtx 960 4gb?

- in Hardware

I need help

I looked at benchmarks today in Fortnite where people present a GTX 1050Ti and Ryzen 7 1700 for Fortnite so the fps etc and I have almost the same system think even better but I have less fps

My system -

Ryzen 7 1700

GTX 960 4GB OC

1x 8Gb ddr4 2400

msi krait gaming

800w power supply

240gb ssd

2tb hdd


That's just how it is. A system also consists of more than just CPU and GPU. Your RAM config z.b. Is less suboptimal, especially for a Ryzen CPU. Will say: no dual-channel, low clock rate. Just a Ryzen benefits from high RAM clock.

Also, it's quite possible that an overclocked 1050TI is more powerful than your GTX 960 model.


How much less FPS? How many do you get on epic settings?

When I look at your setup, you notice that you use very slow RAM and then Single Rank instead of Dual Channel! For Ryzen this is very important, but that's why it's already 10% FPS less!


True, with Dual Channel as well as 3000 MHz, the Ryzen can easily calculate + 35% faster under load.


Right, with only 1 × 8 GB DDR4 - 2400 I only now read the second time. Depending on the game, this can amount to as much as 30% in the CPU limit compared to 2 × 4 GB DDR4 - 2667 in DC mode with this CPU.


Do you notice when playing something of the "less fps", so the game jerky or shows other performance problems?

If no then let yourself be told that they are just numbers. As long as the game runs smoothly in the resolution and quality you want, and there are no delays in the controls, you should not have a disadvantage compared to other players.

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