Gtx 960 for office pc?

- in Hardware

My brother has an office PC and wants to play some games on it (Fortnite), I looked at yt to see that the Gtx 960 4GB would work well for this. Since I don't know the other components… It doesn't matter. In any case, someone knows a website that sells something legit, have seen this ebay / wish scammer often enough, so should it be treated with caution? (Ik that the 960 is not violent, he just wants something with which he can do anything (with ner AMD r5 230 can't be done much

(GtX 970 is just saying)

I'm glad to answer


Hm. How much do you want to buy them for?

A Radeon RX-580 or RX-590 may make more sense.


You shouldn't buy on eBay either, but on eBay classified ads, there you can sometimes find really good offers for the card and some also offer to test the card on site.


I would rather go on an RX570 or RX580

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