What is the best configuration for a 500 euro gaming PC?

- in Hardware

I want to build a gaming PC. Now I'm looking for a good price-performance configuration, which is also future-proof. My budget is 500-550 euro. Games like Fortnite should run at 100 FPS and high graphics settings. What can you recommend me?


Unfortunately 500 euro and 100 fps do not fit well in one sentence. The absolute minimum budget for a gaming PC is 1000 euro in my experience.


Of course, you can't just say that depending on the game and graphics settings, it is very possible


Have a setup for pretty smooth 555 euro


looki looki

Happy gaming!


Fortnite is 100fps. I'm not a Fortnite expert, but I think that the game is quite ambitious in terms of the required performance.


The best configuration in your case is to save another 500 euro


Not really


My younger brother plays Fortnite and always complains about his average 65 fps. It has a 1050 ti (already accounts for more than a third of the budget).


@ Schweizer04 A 1050ti does not cost 167 euro and there are also newer ones that are better in terms of price and performance.


500 euro is still an extremely low budget. I work in this area and call a 1000 euro build a low budget build.


So after several websites you can play Fortnite with 500 Euro 100 FPS and high graphics settings



Then you or your brother have to deal better with the money with the same money you would have got a RX570 years ago that has up to 50% more power!


Is a laptop and was bought 3 years ago. Incidentally, AMD is not known for good graphics cards…

Problem was also solved because I built him a PC with i9-9900k and RTX 2080 Ti. Have exactly the same myself.


In terms of price performance in any case you can't deny that a graphics card that costs the same and brings up to 50% more performance should be worse



Must be right, but I'm not an AMD fan in terms of quality.

AMD has meanwhile been widely accepted as a processor manufacturer, but the graphics cards have yet to prove themselves.

For high-end builds like mine, where money is not an issue, I would always use Intel and Nvidia, but for budget builds with AMD and only because of the price.


Quality? Are you talking about the better blues cooler that Amd offers?


I think that the processing is not the best (I'm talking about the "high-end" Radeon cards and I already had some to test). I'm not going to have any "Is Intel (and Nvidia) better than AMD" discussion here, you can read enough about it on the Internet from experts.


Lol nobody talks about it and I don't know how to get from a 500 euro budget to a high end PC I think you didn't understand the question here we're talking about the low budget area and not about high end and that is the area where AMD clearly dominates any expert who claims otherwise is no more than a self-proclaimed would-be expert


Read my comment again and think it over again.
I said Intel is better for high-end builds (because you started the discussion about Blah-Blah AMD is so much better) and I also said that AMD is better for low-end builds. If you don't believe me, feel free to look up.

Now back to the original question: I replied that in my experience it is not possible to put together a "gaming" PC for 500 euro that achieves an average of 100 fps in Fortnite.

Now, however, you have claimed the opposite.

Task for you now:
Compile a PC Partpicker list with the components (of course less than 500 euro) with which Fortnite runs at 100fps.

Would love to see the result😂


Before you say I should read correctly, you should first read correctly. I never said anything against it, I just said that your high-end PC is of no use here

If you had read correctly you would have seen that I recommended the RX570 and it easily does it

Please try first to understand what you are told before you start rum on your keyboard. If you hammer an RX570 with 4GB, Fortnite can achieve an average of just over 100 FPS

And again for understanding it is as expensive as a 1050ti depending on where you buy it!


As I said, you started the stupid "blah-blah AMD is so much better" discussion.
That was the only reason why I dragged my high-end build into it (of course it had nothing to do with the original question).

I think that's nice and good with the RX570 and that it only costs 150 euro, but you know that the power supply alone costs another 100 euro (one that does not cause a house fire for a short time).
Then of course there's also a processor, RAM, motherboard, hard drive, case and processor cooler (included with AMD) and maybe an SSD.

You will not be able to build a PC with the above requirements for 500 euro.
If you want to say the opposite again, better come with a PC Part Picker list, otherwise the discussion will end here.


100 euro for a power supply? Okay, I don't think I have to say anything more about it, but you busted yourself with whatever person with a 500 Euro PC to a 100 Euro power supply, the GPU does not eat 1000 watts

And I didn't say amd is better

I said that AMD is better in this price range (500 euro) so low end PC

As I said, read right then talk further High end PCs have no business here and I'm not referring to them here if the question is about a 500 euro PC Lord I would like to spend 20% of the budget on the power supply…


I find it funny. A 1000w power supply costs here 229 euro…


By the way, you still haven't come up with a PC part picker list that proves that it is possible to build a 500 euro PC with an RX570 …


Lol I just don't take the time to make a list for someone who is already a lost case because he starts to talk about high end Intel NVIDIA setups under a 500 euro PC and thinks that a 100 euro power supply is appropriate with a 500 euro PC, if you handle the money like this, I'm not surprised that you can't get 500 euro config

There are more than enough 500 euro configs that contain an RX570. You are just lazy and want to let others do the research for you!

It took me 15 seconds to go to Hardwaterat.de and look at the 500 Euro PC. You don't make that effort. You write a completely wrong comment because it's easier

And if you want to come with it that costs 530 yes because he assembles it if you put the parts together yourself you can even get away cheaper

So what now?


So what now?

I'm waiting for a link to confirm your statement…


And again you are too lazy I have given you a source Hardwarerat.de and since the 500 Euro PC but you are again too lazy or arrogant and think you do not have to read it I will not go into it further if you do not have the necessary basic skills for 20 seconds of research


@ Schweizer04 and @ HardwareFreak3 Here is a link: https://www.hardwaredealz.com/bester-gaming-pc-fuer-unter-500-euro-gamer-pc-bis-500-euro/


Here is a link; https://www.hardwaredealz.com/bester-gaming-pc-fuer-unter-500-euro-gamer-pc-bis-500-euro/


I do not need the link but thanks then he may be able to look at it.