Pc and ps4 big difference? (Fortnite)?

- in Hardware

Eve! Short question, I'm currently playing on Ps4 with keyboard and mouse. Clear have a delay, etc…

I'll get a new PC tomorrow, the parts etc were not going to give me away because it's a surprise.

Is there a big difference between PC fortnite and ps4? Or generally on the PC between ps4 and PC


A modern average PC at a multiple faster than a ps4 because you notice of course, a significant difference




In terms of speed, yes. While the PC (depending on how much money you have picked up and how trustworthy the merchant is) can read up to 3200Mbits, the PS4 still relies on HDDs (250 MBits, do not hit me if the values are not accurate ). Which is why the PS4 needs 20 - 25 seconds to boot, a PC only 5 seconds. Graphically it comes to the game.


You can't say it like that. Honestly, from whom you get a clear answer has no idea. I'm building part-time PCs. And often come to me young people, mostly students and want for 200 euro a PC with where they can play. Unfortunately, I always have to disappoint them and point out that they save the best something, or if they can't wait, I advise them to buy a used PS4 or XBoxOne. I can already put together a 200 euro PC. And you would probably even get to run Fortnite, but there would be no joy in that. If you really want a reasonably usable GamePC, where you get everything on FullHD, you have to expect at least 400-450 euro. If then monitor, mouse and keyboard comes to it again then additionally about 120 euro.


Hi. It's not part of the question, but I'm currently interested in: where do you get your customers from? I'm not assuming that you have a store if you only do it on a part-time basis.


Are you maybe from the tax office? Do not worry, there's nothing going by the treasury at Mier. My criminal actions are far behind. When I was a kid I probably stole my last chewing gum.


No no, I'm only interested in that, I also enjoy assembling PCs and I would like to hear about it


Ok, so I do not have a shop. I've set up a room for it. I've been building my PCs for about 15 years myself. Well, that has got around then. First came all the relatives, then many acquaintances, now they almost run me the shack. Also many where I do not even know. They know that I hardly ask for anything because it's my biggest hobby. Although I already get paid for it, but I could not get rich so. I also do it because it sucks me like the people where ready to buy PCs are always ripped off. That's what hurts my soul. I'm just trying to make a small contribution to stopping it someday.


What important did I forget. For almost anyone I build a PC, I offer to watch and learn for themselves that they can do it themselves. I want to make them understand how easy it is in principle. Which it really is.


Wow, thank you. Could I possibly think about it in the future, to try something like that or make friends for etc.

But. Probably after school😅