Switch from mouse and keyboard to controller?

- in Hardware

I have some advice from you. I've been playing Fortnite with the mouse and keyboard on the PS4 since Season 3. However, I'm thinking about switching to the controller, reasons are: Input lag with mouse and keyboard on the PS4, Dizzy opponents like nothing good, and the search for a new challenge, since I no longer have a learning feel anymore.

The problems I have with the controller are quite simply the Movement and the Aim, since I'm actually a PC player and never really had a PS or XBox before my Fortnite time.

I know that I can really only answer the question to myself, the problem is only if the whole thing is worthwhile. I mean on mouse and keyboard I can do everything, so really everything and I'm not even bad anyway the controller grins at me again and again.


I know your situation.

I myself have been playing on the controller since Season 6, before that only with mouse and keyboard on the PC.

From my experience, I can tell you that the transition is very difficult.

The reason for this is especially in the current situation, the opponents, because they are unfortunately not getting worse.

As you have already revealed, your movement and your aim are not all that splendid. A little tip from me: Do not listen to others, your small advantage with the target acquisition is minimal and felt most in close combat. Do not rely on the target acquisition!

The Aimen and the Movement improves over time, I recommend the first creative mode and alternately to public matches.

After all, it's all about the fun of the game, I'm not the best in the game, but still see everything positive in the game.

My advice: If you have a phase in which you are tired of the game, just keep on playing and keep your goal in mind. Think of positive events and play casually, not tense.

The ultimate decision is entirely up to you, but it's definitely a great experience to play with a controller.

I wish you good luck and lots of fun on the way!


Surprisingly to see that there are still people who want to change from mouse and keyboard to controller… Thought that there's only the other way around. So I can tell you that you will not be better with controller than you are with mouse and keyboard. And without ever having seen you playing, I think that mouse and keyboard are far from your maximum. You can always improve yourself. Look at the best players in the world… Tfue, mongraal, stompy… All of you, despite your being a pro, still have their strengths and weaknesses and can continue to improve. Concentrate on understanding what your weaknesses and strengths are and continue to work on them. Then you will have a learning feeling again.

Ps: I've been a controller player since season 2 and I'm constantly learning. You can ALWAYS continue to improve. We like to play together if you want.


I have been playing keyboard and mouse on the ps4 for 2 months and am only in the creative mode to make it easy to build. I always raced off as it is only on the lay and delayed is not even online I can play because it is so delayed because I'm in the fight I can't even turn so stupid it is with me I get a gaming pc in 2 months I recommend you if you're really good to pick up a pc in the family or looking for a job for 14 year old there are synonymous so if you're young xd because dan can do with tune money and who knows maybe the synonymous wm 😉 stay in luck on tastartur good luck


I feel you Bro xD