I'm looking for a good gaming PC?

- in Hardware

Hi, I'm 15 (m) and looking for a good gaming PC in the price range up to 2,000 euro

I really don't care about the appearance, I just want me to be able to play, for example, in Fortnite on the highest graphic settings at over 200fps…

(on the highest possible fps numbers that are possible in this price range)


2000 euro for Fortnite…

oh and right now the graphics cards are very, very overpriced, it will be difficult


Graphics card prices are currently too high.

Not really getting much for the money.


That wouldn't just be for Fortnite, only I currently play Fortnite the most…

it still remains a PC on which I can also do school things


Ok, I didn't want to buy one for 3/4 year anyway


Yes, the prices are currently way too high thanks to the bitcoin miner so wait and then ask