Does the CPU cooler make a difference if the CPU does not clock down at high temperature?

- in Hardware

I've had a performance issue with Fortnite for quite some time.

I have an i7 6700k

16gb ram

gtx 1070ti

and the game is installed on an SSD

I often fight under 60 FPS also in the lobby lobby I have an average of only 40-70 FPS when I run around 120-130

I bought a new graphics card and an SSD to improve it and nothing worked. I noticed that my CPU gets very warm, which is understandable, because I have a standard Intel box cooler and have not exchanged the thermal grease for 3 years, but the CPU does not clock down and is not fully utilized. Right now I'm in the lobby. So where you can choose what you want to play (duo solo squad, etc.) Intem Shop…

I have here about 200-250 fps my CPU is at 65-70 degrees In the game I have about 145 fps and the cpu is ca at 80 to 85 degrees.

According to the Task Manager, the CPU has a speed of 4 ghz - 4.18 ghz.

My RAM has a speed of 2133 Mhz (1 bar)

Does somebody has any idea? I just want to play liquid again.


Is also normal that you get less FPS in the lobby or in the fight, there are other opponents.


Task Manager is in my opinion not really helpful in terms of CPU monitoring.

Still sounds like a temperature problem. Intel-boxed coolers I believe could rarely cool a high-end CPU effectively and starting at 90 degrees would probably already be thermal throttling.

The idea is… Use a better cooler, for a "k" version is probably worth a water cooling.

(If you have bought a new graphics card and SSD, there should be no lack of financial support for a 50 EUR water cooling)


When the GPU is running at full capacity, it will fit with the CPU

A better cooler lowers the temps and especially the volume.

80 ° C are already at the limit. I would aim for a maximum of 70-75 ° C.

How come you use a boxed cooler for an i7 6700k? The is not even delivered to the cooler, for the reason that is too weak, especially if the CPU is overclocked.

In any case, get a clever cooler, ala Macho Rev.b, Mugen 5, Brocken 3, Dark Rock (Pro) 4, etc and overclock the CPU to 4.4Ghz +.

But what is not fluent at 145 FPS?


145 is liquid. But the drops at 40-70 fps in the fight or when you build are not exactly helpful. I just came up with an idea. And I noticed that my Ram 2133 Mhz is fast. At the first moment, this sounds probably okay, but I have only one bar. Could it be that?


Do not think that Ram has such an influence.

But yes 2133Mhz is the slowest DDR4 Ram and with a module you can't operate a dual channel. So twice bad.

See MSI Afterburner OSD and GPU, CPU & Ram, Utilization, Clock and Temps.

Then you know what limited.

CPU too hot what to do? Cl Clippercone7151