Friday new PC assembled CPU temperature too high?

- in Hardware

Moin on Friday I assembled my PC with a buddy.

Mainboard: MSI B450 Gaming Plus

Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 3600

CPU cooler: Alpenföhn Ben Nevis + enclosed thermal paste

The CPU cooler was relatively difficult to hack, we had to push it down quite a bit, and some thermal paste was pressed out on one side. We spread the thermal paste on the CPU, but I can imagine that we applied it too thickly.

I reach e.g. In normal operation Now as I ask this question never temperatures below 50C. In general, it fluctuates very strongly within a second, it goes from 55 up to 65 and then back down relatively quickly. In normal operation, I occasionally reach a maximum of 75C. Yesterday I played a round of Fortnite and ran the Hhomework Monitor. I had a maximum temperature of 85C.

I have now ordered Arctic MX-4 thermal paste from Amazon, and would then apply it thinner and see if anything changes. Otherwise I could also try the boxed cooler. What do you all mean?


Everything seems to be normal, and changing the paste would not change anything. If the fans turn normally, you don't have to do anything


Moin Hernzel,

First of all, I also had to block the Ben Nevis several times. This is really abnormally difficult to install.

A lot of thermal paste is never bad, rather too much rather than too little. If something goes wrong, it doesn't matter as long as the thermal paste is not electrically conductive.

Could you use HWiNFO and please post a few pictures?


85 ° C is not yet critical…

But let's see if the voltage in the BIOS is set correctly. If you have a few 0, volts too much, it will of course get hot.


What's wrong with that?

A CPU can get up to 95 ° hot in large games.

From 100 ° it becomes really critical.

Also have temperatures around 50 ° -60 °, even if I do little, everything cool xD

Unless you notice any funny things (e.g. Excessive weakness…


"A lot of thermal paste is never bad, rather too much rather than too little." The other way around. WLP is an additional isolator, less is more. It only serves to even out tiny gaps.


For comparison, thermal conductivity copper: 380W / (m * K)

Thermal conductivity Artic MX-4: 8.5W / (m * K)

That's about 45 times as much.


So the temperature in idle is definitely too high, my 3700X is just 35-40 ° C

Which Vcore is under load and what do Vcore & Takt look like in idle?


I also have a 3700x and when I'm idle the temperature at 50-55 degrees is too high now and use the boxed cooler?


With boxed coolers, that's still ok

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