AMD Ryzen 9 3900X too warm?

- in Hardware

I assembled my PC today.

Mainboard I use an MSI X570 ACE

CPU cooling the Corsair H150i Pro water cooling with 3x 120mm fans.

I'm just downloading Fortnite and I'm installing it. My CPU temperature is constantly between 55 and 70 degrees. Although I don't do anything except the Download & Install. The water pump shows a temperature of 34.4 degrees.

RTX 2080 Super graphics card.

Is that normal? Can you help me? Do I have to update the bios?

My graphics card has a constant temperature of 33 degrees.


You couldn't imagine Ryzen 9 3900X and RTX 2080 Super for Fortnite.

The temperatures are perfectly ok.


Everything below 80 degrees is optimal.


No, idle up to 70 degrees is anything but ideal, especially if you have installed an expensive water cooling system


This is not a normal idle temperature


He's not exactly idle


But already he only downloads a program that is basically idle


If the water cooling system is also idled, this is normal. My fans at least don't spin until I reach 65 degrees.


But this is not a good idea for Ryzen 3000. You should always keep it below 55 degrees otherwise you can't boost yourself fully. If he has not changed anything on the fan curve, these are not good temperatures!


Have nothing changed, in my iCue settings all fans are set to "Quiet". Even if I set this to "Intensive", there's not much going on at this temperature, then I'm between 50-60 degrees. Then the PC is really loud. My fans draw in air from outside. But it is cool in the case and I also opened the side window. Doesn't make a difference.

can something like that hang on any drivers? Or what do you advise me now?


The boosts even high at over 55 ° …


But it boosts less.

watch the video if you don't believe me


Would take off the block again, put new thermal compound on and on again


Okay, I didn't put any on it, it was already thinly applied when cooling the water. Then I'll add new ones. Does the thermal paste matter so much?


That may be the case, but it doesn't matter for Fortnite.


Actually, it is already on it, if you put too much on it it does nothing


Actually the application is enough, but it is worth trying somewhere you must have done something wrong


I just played a round of Fortnite, the CPU temperature is 65 degrees. So almost no difference to Idle, what can it be?


Are you also sure that your pump is running?


Yes, it is displayed in iCue with 1050RPM, when I set the pump to intensive you can also hear that the PC is getting louder with the CPU


The fans on the radiator are all turning too? Otherwise no idea sorry


They turn. I have now in Windows energy saving mode, then my CPU is constant at 38 degrees, is that at least normal? Or does that help? Do I have to change anything in Balanced? When I switch to balanced, he jumps to 63 degrees within 1 second