3800x or 3900x?

- in Hardware

I'm looking for a new CPU with which I can play and stream at the same time and I wanted to ask whether there's the R9 3900x with 12 cores of 24 threads with 3.8 Ghz or the R7 3800x with 8 cores of 16 threads with 3.9 threads Ghz would be more suitable?

The games I would play are mostly Minecraft and sometimes Fortnite?


m.M.n rather the question is whether it would be the 3700x or the 3900x, since the 3800x only has a higher TDP and was selected a little better, which results in a slightly higher clock rate - but the additional performance is negligible

With simple games like Minecraft or the "popular" Fortnite here, the 3700x THICKNESS is enough


Maybe the questioner wants to stream Minecraft to 1080p and 10,000 bit rate with the preset placebo.


I just want to say a little bit about streaming directly, I don't have much of a clue so what about bit rates and the like, so ok

I assume that this is a smaller streamer, otherwise a second computer would be used as a streaming computer, so I guess that the settings would simply be exaggerated in this regard


So the r7 3800x is "unnecessary" (hardly any better, but quite expensive) I would recommend the r7 3700x. It is 100% enough for you and much more!


if you are Hhomework enthusiastic you could also take the 3900x or 3950x


Was only meant as a joke.

At OBS, placebo is the most difficult preset, and even a large thread ripper should use it to full capacity.


Yes then xD


10,000 bit rate is bad… With a maximum upload of 4 mb / s


For video rendering, the 3900x is more than twice as fast as the 3800x. In terms of gaming performance, you have more with the 3900x 1-3Fps. So if you only want to edit streams without videos etc the 3800x is the better choice.


For video rendering, the 3900x is more than twice as fast as the 3800x

Nope. ~ 50% if the program scales perfectly with cores


Yes sry confused it with another one, but the same in principle.

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