Is the pc good for gaming? - 1


Can you play games like Cod, R6, Valorant, Fortnite, … Liquid with the PC?


No, it only has integrated graphics, so you can't do much with that.


Okay thanks


It's really not configured well. You can get better in the same price range. Even if the market is currently not looking good. You won't be able to play a lot with it without compromising heavily.


Thanks for the answer, can you recommend a better one?


Unfortunately, I have to tell you at the moment that there's nothing that does justice to the price. This is due to the current "mining crisis" and Corona. However, I would regularly look at the creative corner PCs on Dubaro and also on the hardware advice page. There are configurations there that you can also buy ready-made.
Otherwise, most good PCs are as good as out of stock for the price.

If it just has to be someone, then this one:

With that you are better positioned, even if optically not that great, but you have more options to upgrade in the future.


You will now think for sure: Ah, but my proposed processor is a newer processor, BUT it is about the same in terms of performance, like the 3400g +, unfortunately, you do not know which RAM your proposed one is. It could also be a slow kit (very likely at the price) and then you end up with the system very badly, because APUs prophise fast memory.


This is much faster for gaming: only if you upgrade a graphics card later you would have more cores with the memory pc, but the 3400G can also be sold super easily, no one will want the 4650G anymore.


If you put a little more money on it, you will get a graphics card:


Thanks for the very detailed answer

Good gaming PCs? An AntonNephew