Fortnite Aim Improve?


Hello how can I improve my aim the fastest in all weapons




No I want to improve my aim without hacking and you can be banned for that. My sensitivity in aiming is 2.56


If you play on the PC, play Aim-maps in CSGO.

If not, google times for "Aim trainer" is something like that.

And otherwise: Just gamble and be extra careful to be on the opponent, regardless of whether you first lose the fight.


I assume you play on the PC with keyboard and mouse. Then a good mouse is very important, and you should always focus on your Aim and focus on the crosshair while playing. Otherwise help Aim Parkours or in Kreativ 1vs1 with friends.


Why is a good mouse important Just play with a normal older mouse with cable games on PC so laptop do not have a gaming pc or anything


There are apps where you can train Aim. Costs just 2-10euro.


There are also free


These are more accurate and high quality which makes it easier and easier to get a good Aim, but for now it should do a simple mouse. Otherwise, go to YouTube and upgrade Fortnite Aim

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