How do I improve my aim on keyboard & mouse?

- in Hardware

Does anyone have an idea how to improve their Aim e.g. In Fortnite? Have been playing M&K for 4 weeks but my aim is hardly improving. But I don't feel like spending any money on Aimtrainers either.


If you want to get better at games, aim isn't that important. Tactics are much more important. What good is the best aim if you can't judge your opponent?


The best tactical thinking won't help you in the end if you don't hit anything while shooting. No matter how well you work your way up to an opponent and surprise him, if 90% of the magazine goes into blue, however, the round ends at that point.

Precision is more important than a tactical approach in such games, such games are not designed to reach your goal with sophisticated plans, the only thing you should be able to do is use the environment for yourself (cover, etc.).


I agree with you. But would put tactics above aim.


As I understand it, M&K should stand for "mouse & keyboard" in contrast to controller. Have you really never played with a mouse and keyboard before? Then 4 weeks are nothing at all, it would actually be a miracle if you play almost as well as with the controller.

Don't get me wrong, with Controller you will never get the results of trained M&K. But as an analogy: if you've played with a dance mat and steering wheel for 10 years and don't know anything else, you won't get better results with a controller at the beginning.

You have to practice a lot, young padawan. One more tip: there are many different ways to operate a mouse, which many do not understand. The most important differences are claw vs. Palm grip and low vs. High-sensitivity. Which of these you can do better, you really have to try for yourself.


Thanks, think the answer is I think so


Primarily by setting the mouse correctly. In first person shooters it is very important that it is not too fast, but at the same time not too slow. Everyone has their own attitude, usually with such games with a DPI around 800.


Yes, thank you, I understand a little what you mean


Because of the "little", another link to the different types of operation I mean:

How do I improve my aim on keyboard mouse

(I play fingertip).

With low vs. High-sense is basically about how much mouse movement you can turn through 180 °. For example, I'm rather high-sense and usually try to make a 180 ° turn with ~ 10cm mouse movement. With low-sense, the players often "stir" on up to 50 * 50cm large mouse pads and the 180 ° rotation then requires, for example, 30cm.


Oh, that's what you mean with high vs low sens, but otherwise it's with the grip, etc. Anyway, thanks again