How did you find the Fortnite Live event?


How did you like the Galactus Fortnite Live event?


Because with me it hung up from the point where you spawned in the bus and I could only hear and see nothing except from where galactus has sucked up the buses

Galactus is a devourer of the world he can destroy planets that have an earth core that are extremely hot a planet with toxic substances and thousands of km of layers of the earth etc. But why does he die on a couple of buses with bombs on the board that makes zero sense


The event was really bad just flying with the buses, I would have preferred to play Lego Star Wars 3 on the Ds


I think that it is not about realistic reference to stories that have nothing to do with Fn, but about a nice event with good pictures and effects what you end up with a good ending and is interactive.

And that you couldn't see anything is a shame, but I think the question was more about the event itself