Buy fortnite safe ikonik skin?

- in Skins

I wanted to ask if you know a reputable site or a reputable seller who sells the ikonik skin? Or whether someone of you sells the skin? I found the page but it affects me very much after scam, since all reviews were written on March 30, 2019 (probably the seller wrote it themselves) and they even offer to move it to my current acc (i.e. The skin) and that's actually impossible, isn't it?


There's never a safe side for OG skins
If so ask friends if they let you play with the skin on their accounts (I do with my friend too)

Point 2 is the safest way!


Can someone give free 80 pound bucks and the new renegade raider doing username on x box TheDarkLordJud


Epic name judTheBud