Fortnite Accounts Merging with the skins of the old account?

- in Skins

Wanted to ask if the previous owner of a Fortnite account also has access to the skins, even though the skins have been transferred to another account or if he then has access to the Acc


I hope only that it concerns 2 accounts in own possession. If the account is bought or given and you link it you can already say Good by to the account.
It will be blocked within a short time.


Yes but let's say I buy an Acc and the previous owner wants to gamble on it and he had 50 skins then the skins are off the old acc and he can't access them anymore and the skins are on the other side


Let's say you buy the account and link it to your account. Then the old has no content anymore your account will be deleted / locked. And nobody has any of that.


That means if he is locked at all. So if epic would not come on it I was lucky or lucky


He will be locked!