Why do you like Fortnite SO?

- in Skins

I do not care who likes which game, but I do not understand why you spend so much money on a game. For 'Save the World' and Battle Pass I can still understand it, but do not you realize that these skins are just overpriced? I want to know what made you spend so much money (for a free game). You have to imagine, a Legendary Skin (which does not look so good) costs 20 euro. Just because you want to specify in front of your friends? You can do whatever you want, but over 1 million people spent more than 1000 euro. There are people who can afford the easy, but there are some who have 10,000 euro or less and buy it anyway. Take care and be more varied.


Is with lol too

is tailored to children, I would never buy a skin for money, my son make skins but already pretty cool

and his little friends too


I do not know the game. Although I keep hearing that people play Fortnite, I have never dealt with it myself or told them what to do in the game.

Is in my view a waste of time.


It is better that way. Do not mess with the game. Continue your normal life and be happy.


Do not think that there's a "reasonable" or "rational" answer here.

You might as well ask why some people spend hundreds or thousands of euro on their branded clothes, or for their wine / dinner or, or…


Is in my view a waste of time.

You could basically say that about any hobby.


Fortnite is a very good game it is like PUBG only that you can build in 2018 and 2019 it has been something new fortnite because you can build and edit and so the game gets boring because of updates coming up

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