Sell Fortnite Skin (Shaman) to Buy Color Bomber Skin?

- in V-Bucks

I've been playing Fortnite since Season 6, so I only have some boring Battle Pass skins. And I bought the Shaman Skin with the V-Bucks. But today, the color bomber Skin is in there and many think I should sell shaman and buy color bomber because it is so good, but actually have many and then it is still standard or not? And besides, I can only sell 2 more times, so I have to decide well.

Do you or not?


Is in the endefekt your thing


Yes, but is it true that one is seen with this skin rather than Pro or what I know what?


It's just a stupid skin like any other and besides, you can also be a pro without this skin


Already, but alone if you see a NoSkin in Random Sqads, you're already leaving the round again.


If your thing is in the end defect, I z, b, would not spend this game money

Fortnite Bomber Skin? at atticusrashad
One or the other? ti tirewasp